Inner Circle Member Profile

Personal Information

Name: [The WebMaser]

Aliases: [UNKOWN]

Degrees with Title: [17° Explorer]

Table Specialization: [Specialization]

List Specialization: [Specialization]


Profile Photo


3°-5°: Initiate

Power: Quest Screen

Use Requirements: TMP

6°-12°: Daredevil

Power: Fresh Karma

Use Requirements: PSR, OPG

13°-29°: Explorer

Power: Deviation Change

Use Requirements: TMP, PSR, OPG

30°-59°: Quester

Power: Mutation Change

Use Requirements: TMP, PSR, OPG

60°-89°: Visionary

Power: Negate

Use Requirements: PSR, OPG

90°-119°: Table* Acolyte

Power: Table Screen

Use Requirements: TMP

120°-149°: Table* Adept

Power: Automatic Window

Use Requirements: TMP, PSR

150°-179°: Table* Master

Power: [To be added]

Use Requirements: [To be added]

180°-239°: Maven

Power: Influence

Use Requirements: PSR, OPG

240°-299°: List** Acolyte

Power: Boulder Shift

Use Requirements: TMP, PSR, OPG

300°-359°: List** Adept

Power: Quest Screen

Use Requirements: TMP, PSR, OPG

360°: List** Master

Power: [To be added]

Use Requirements: [To be added]

360°: Twilight Lord***

Power: Monty Hall

Use Requirements: Anytime